Friday, April 3, 2020

Reaction Occurrences Every Day

Reaction Occurrences Every DayOne of the most difficult things for a chemist to understand is the chemical reactions that occur in everyday life. In fact, many of us are better at it than chemistry professors because we live in these processes every day. This means that it can be difficult to remember, let alone see, how reactions really work and why they happen in the way that they do.A simple example of a reaction is when one substance reacts with another. Let's look at some of these reactions that occur every day:Carbon dioxide is gas. When you get this gas out of the automobile, for example, it has changed from the solid state into the gaseous state. But just as a reaction happens between the materials in an automobile, so too do chemical reactions happen between gases and solids. Now, a metal like zinc or copper react with oxygen in air by forming a compound called chromium or nickel. This is called a metal-oxidizer reaction.When you add iron to tin, the tin becomes tin oxide. T hen tin oxidizes (changes into a brown metallic state) to tin. And just as a metal oxidizes in air, so too does the tin when added to other substances.If a tiny amount of iron is present in water, it will become iron sulfate. If the iron is very small and doesn't start to change or react immediately with anything else, it is a carbonate-alkali-acid compound.The absorption of carbon dioxide by nitric acid causes a chemical reaction. This reaction causes an alkaline metal to become a form of sodium metal, which has to be separated from the acid before it dissolves. The result is NaOH, which separates the nitric acid from the alkaline metal. There is a certain degree of stoichiometry involved here: a higher pH means a higher affinity for the acid, and sodium ions have a higher affinity for a higher pH.There are many more reactions that occur every day in your home. Some of them are quite common and also very easy to remember, while others are slightly less common but still useful. Let' s review the most common reactions, starting with some of the most important ones and moving on to more complex reactions.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Art Classes Glasgow

Art Classes Glasgow Where to Find Art Classes in Glasgow ChaptersThe Wealth of Art Classes in GlesgaArt Courses in SculptingArt Courses in Painting and DrawingArt Courses in CalligraphyOn the heels of the horrific fire that destroyed the Glasgow School of Art earlier this year, we pay tribute to those whose art works were consumed by those flames.And to those who, perhaps enviously, visited that institute's gallery to enjoy said art.Indeed we can never recoup what was lost but Superprof can help you, and every artist you know â€" in your family and in your community to find studios and classes where you can continue to refine your art.Whether you paint, sketch, or sculpt; even if you are looking for new ways to express yourself, Superprof now lists studios and schools where you can further your development as an artist.All while giving a nod of thanks to other schools that opened their doors to The Mack’s displaced students.threw a pot or made a quilt, those decorative arts - pottery and quilting dwelled under the title of crafts until r ecently, when the definition of fine art was expanded to include sewing, pottery and other means of artistic expression.Mosaics are also considered fine art; you can learn how to tile in art classes in Leeds!After all, there are some beautiful quilts out there, and the Terracotta Army is considered a masterpiece of funerary art!Like it or not, whether you sew, sculpt, paint or photograph: if your work is primarily meant to be decorative, you are a creator of fine art!Let us now find classes you can cultivate your artistic style in...  Or if your looking for art classes in Edinburgh or Belfast click here.Scotland has a long history of exquisite sculpture, such as this Queen Victoria statue Source: Pixabay Credit: SkeezeArt Courses in SculptingIf three-dimensional art is your passion, Glasgow is the place to be!Sculpture has a long history in Scotland, with the earliest examples of stone sculpture dating back to 3000BCE.Might you want to continue that proud heritage? These classes, am ong others, may help you to do so!You could also learn sculpting  in London...Glasgow Sculpture Studios is a concern that works on contract, providing sculpted art for businesses and commissioned by the city.But it is also a facility where students can hone their creative skills while working with and learning from resident artists.Besides a full range of machines for working wood, metal and clay, their schedule boasts a full range of online art courses for beginner and intermediate artists.As if that weren’t enough, they also host workshops on weekends!Their classes last around four weeks and cost around £145, materials included.Whether you are enroled in a university art and design program or preparing to sit your A-Levels in preparation for enroling in art school, Sculpture Studios has a place for you to get hands-on with your art.You may drop in on them at 2 Dawson Rd (the Whiskey Bond), Glasgow G4 9SSOn the other hand, perhaps their fully equipped workshop would not suit yo ur temperament: you might have no desire to learn to run a mitre saw or a giant router.You may have been looking to create sculptures that can be displayed on a tabletop or fireplace mantle, not become a tabletop or mantle!Should that be the case, you may be interested in the long list of classes and courses offered by the Scottish Potters Association.For £195 including materials and the use of tools, you will learn how to throw, glaze, fire and more: learn coil-building using traditional methods, and different ways to create surface decoration on your vessels.Their latest offering, a ceramics course, will be held each Thursday morning; the course runs for five weeks.If you're of a mind, you could learn how to throw a pot! Source: Pixabay Credit: EnricsagarraArt Courses in Painting and DrawingNaturally, we have to touch on the cornerstone of fine art: from watercolors and oils to sketches and charcoal, Glasgow’s drawing and painting reputation is as strong, if not as durable as i ts legendary sculptures.Whether you are seeking an art education to make a career out of portrait painting or figure drawing, or if you are a parent looking for an introduction to painting techniques in support of your art student, you may find just the curriculum you need at Art Classes in the Botanics.Discover also the wealth of classes offered to GCSE art students in Birmingham!The Botanical Gardens’ Hopkirk Building offers bright spaces drenched in natural light, an absolutely necessary quality for artists to render their visions!That is why the highest point in Paris, Montmartre, was once home to Picasso, Monet, Renoir and other great names in fine art!You might take advantage of such conditions yourself, all without having to travel to Paris or starve, as it was rumoured many of those great painters did.What we liked best about the Garden’s programme is that they frequently host open art sessions.If indeed you are already enrolled in an art program at school, you may furth er your works and projects through this initiative.Whatever your medium or subject, you will find responsive, knowledgeable art tutors at the ready: to discuss and demonstrate drawing technique, perspective, proportion, shading and colouring.A six-week engagement costs £80, and you should bring all of your materials with you.On the other hand, if you just can’t seem to execute a credible human form â€" the hands always look disproportionate or the head gives you fits, you may select their life drawing class.Ideal for beginners and more advanced art students, this Tuesday evening class furnishes a different model every week, along with tips and instruction on how best to capture his/her likeness.It is recommended that you bring an A3 sketchpad and pencils or charcoal, as you prefer.For only £10 per session, these classes are ideal for A-Levels candidates as well as adults looking for a creative outlet!Should you feel ready to move beyond the pencil â€" add the title painter to yo ur artistic palette, you may sign up for their oil painting classes, held on Wednesday evenings.In case your midweek is booked up, Art Classes in the Botanics graciously extends the invitation for either Saturday morning or afternoon.Manchester also offers open art classes you could participate in!As mentioned earlier in this article: art classes, lessons and venues abound in Glasgow! We could write more about classes at this fab facility and others, but we’d like to touch on one more art form.However, for your convenience, we list in the table below the addresses of several other art schools where you could take lessons in drawing, painting, printmaking and other art workshops.If you are based in Cardiff you can find art classes here.You may learn exquisite brush control by practising Sho calligraphy! Source: Pixabay Credit: DeloArt Courses in CalligraphyQuite fortunately for us, handwriting and cursive writing is still a vital skill, taught in schools across the country â€" unli ke in the US, where handwriting is no longer taught at all!If you have received compliments on your penmanship, you may pursue courses in calligraphy, that unique yet entirely ubiquitous and oft-overlooked art.Surely you’ve seen examples of calligraphy: on wedding invitations and birth announcements; even our Prince Louis’ official birth announcement was partially calligraphed!Whether you choose to learn Chinese-style calligraphy using a brush and ink or our more common type, that calls for a pen and assorted nibs, this discipline would call to your meticulous nature and attention to detail.Where can you learn and practice calligraphy?It depends on what type you wish to master: pen and nib â€" the most common style of calligraphy in the western hemisphere, or Sho calligraphy: most often called Chinese calligraphy, done with brushes of varying thicknesses.You can learn fundamental techniques of both styles by first attending the Sho workshop at the Drawing and Painting Studio (ad dress below) on August 18th, for a cost of £30.And then, you may meet up with the Glasgow Scribes on Wednesdays, starting on August 22nd and lasting eight weeks, for a fee of £128.You will have mastered calligraphy in time to send out your holiday greeting cards!Find art courses near me now.Whether you are a beginner or well advanced in your art training, a student enrolled in school or someone who has never picked up a paintbrush: rest assured that there are adult classes, kid classes; there are art classes for all ages in Glasgow.Or, if not in Glasgow, you could do an Internet search for art classes near me!  If you are looking to unleash your creativity, discover your artistic abilities through tuition from any of the arts education classes in this table!Name of SchoolWhat you can learnPhysical AddressArt4Yousketching, painting, sculpting, portraits, watercolour, landscape, calligraphy107 Buchanan Street, G63 0TW, BalfronKarin HepburnAdult and kids art and painting classesMearn s Castle Golf Academy, Newton MearnsKids Art AcademyArts and crafts classes for 5 to 12 year oldsMelrose Music School 30 Cumbernauld Rd, Glasgow G33 6EW or Crowhill Academy of Music Limited Adam House, 25, Auchinairn Rd, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow G64 1RX, UKDrawing and Painting Studiotutoring for the burgeoning artists6 Claddens Holdings Lindsaybeg Road Lenzie G66 5LJ

Friday, March 6, 2020

Singing Lessons Help Your Speaking Voice Training the Whole Voice

Singing Lessons Help Your Speaking Voice Training the Whole Voice Suzy S. I have been a professional actor-singer all my life, it seems.   When I was studying theatre at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County many moons agowe had no voice training as actors.   We were often told I cant hear you or Project! or I cant understand what youre saying.   But that was the extent of our training. Unfortunately, we had to figure out what to do with those criticisms.   I did, however, take singing lessons by a very fine instructor during my university days.   I learned how to use my voice very effectivelyas a singer, and occasionally found myself observing that my speaking voice was receiving some benefit from that singing training, too, but I didnt know quite how. It wasnt until I went to graduate school at the Dallas Theater Center that something revolutionary happened to my voice and my attitude towards my use of itboth as a speaker and a singer.   What I discovered was that the focus and resonance I had learned as a singer was no different that what was needed for an effective speaking voice as well. I discovered that the difference between singing and speaking is one of dynamic rangethe highs and lows, the sustention of notes beyond what would be considered as speaking is more extravagant, but the training should be the same.   The instrument being used is the same, the most intimate instrument that we play, because it is produced solely from within.   If we begin to think of our speaking and singing voices as one and the same, we can apply all the rich, focused vibrations we learn to produce while singing directly to our speaking voice. Breath does not control the tonal quality of the speaking/singing voicethat is produced by working as if were not using any breath at all. Of course, we need a constant supply of breath to create the vibration of the vocal folds, but after that breath stream becomes a sound stream, its up to resonance and wave reflection to take over.   The sound is conducted through the bones of the face and head.   So, when we learn to focus that sound stream onto the hard palate, and upwards into the nasal bone, forehead and craniumwe produce a beautiful unforced resonant qualityespecially when we also create a more generous open cavity in the mouth. So whats to stop us from speaking the way we sing?   Try this experiment:   Create your own little melody in your mid-range for this phrase: This is the way to feel the focus.   Focus your voice (by thinking it there!) onto the hard palate as you do this rather slowly.   Then speak the line while maintaining that feel of the vibration on your hard palate, sailing up into your head (hopefully). Dont you enjoy that placement, that richness of tone?   It can be yours for the askingwhen you have the feel of singing while you speak! So, dont be satisfied with a singing voice that works one wayand a speaking voice that is lodged in the back of your throat, raspy, or of another sort of poor quality.   Lets not leave the speaking voice out of the quality equation. Train the whole voice by remembering to always have a little song in your speech, and a little speech in your song! Guest contributor, Nancy Krebs Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Much Does Yoga Equipment Cost

How Much Does Yoga Equipment Cost Are Yoga Accessories Expensive? ChaptersTarget Your Expectations in YogaSet a Budget for Yoga AccessoriesThe Different Types of Yoga AccessoriesChange Your Yoga Equipment MaterialTo live spiritually is to live in the present. Yoga brings us into the present moment by being more aware of your body alignment, your movements and your breathing - Bks LyengarWhen we think of yoga, we think at first of sun salutations, serenity, and a whole gamut of strange postures, but we forget the essential elements. We see videos on the internet, and we think it looks too hard or too peaceful, we would never get there, and that it's not even worth it to try.But this would be a serious mistake! Because a part of the success in yoga is due to the help of certain good accessories, starting with the yoga mat, which allows better postures and stabilizes them. With 300 million practitioners in the world, yoga is a real discipline that deserves attention, because it goes far beyond being a trend that is associated with  a certain way of li fe.In my case, I practice yoga occasionally and have invested in a yoga block, which allows me, in particular, to be better supported and, in fact, better balanced during my yoga classes near me.Accessories can be our best allies, but, of course, they don't come for free! So how much does yoga gear cost exactly?Yoga certainly is a practice that has become commonplace for many of us and continues to see its number of practitioners skyrocketing.Positive values, linked to a healthy lifestyle, and associated with more efficient and inexpensive accessories, it is perhaps the moment to get on board and give a sun salutation a try!Discover the different types of yoga clothes for women...

Sewing Tutorials for Finding the Perfect Needles

Sewing Tutorials for Finding the Perfect Needles Use the Right Needles thanks to our Online Sewing Lessons ChaptersWhy Is the Sewing Machine Needle So Important?The Different Types and Sizes of Sewing NeedlesChoose your Needles According to the ThreadWhen and How to Change the NeedleI am not a couturier, I am a craftsman, a maker of happiness. Yves Saint-Laurent (1936-2008).According to one of the greatest fashion designers in history, learning to sew, provided one has a good sewing machine, is just the ticket to well-being and happiness.Acquiring all the essentials for sewing - making a jersey garment, a chiffon dress, or sewing upholstery - requires a bit of spending money and a lot of know-how.In addition to choosing a sewing machine, it's also important to buy a variety of sewing accessories for your sewing box:Sewing thread, lining, a satin tape measure, a bobbin or several, cutting tools (like sewing scissors), are some examples of the essential elements of your sewing box.While sewing and embroidering is now considered a mixed, non-gendered skill - in the sense that even men learn to repair a zipper or sew a hem by hand - this remains an activity mostly performed by seamstresses.Alas, men are often the big names in haute couture, like Yves Saint-Laurent, while it is mostly women who slave away on their mechanical or industrial sewing machine.This would explain why we often talk about the tricks of the seamstress and not that of the seamster...Nevertheless, neither male nor female sewer cannot assemble their fabrics if they do not have the sewing Holy Grail: good sewing needles.You'll often find a sewer cursing his/her Singer or Pfaff sewing machine because it has jammed, or broken the sewing stitches (zigzag, straight stitch, etc.), without even thinking that it is because their needles are not the right ones.Indeed acquiring the right needle, where the sewing thread fits perfectly through the eye, will make sewing much easier. Knowing which needle suits which fabric, however, can be like searching for a needle in a haystack.Well, maybe not that bad. In this article, Superprof gives you everything you need to remember when choosing good sewing needles.Find sewing classes near me. RaySewing Teacher 5.00 (6) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PrincessSewing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnaSewing Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArianwenSewing Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ShaziaSewing Teacher 5.00 (2) £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZanetaSewing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GianmariaSewing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JacquelineSewing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Is the Sewing Machine Needle So Important?The sewing needle is one of the key elements of the sewing machine: it gives great precision for a refined and meticulously crafted piece of work.Sewing jeans: a round-headed or a triangular needle? Source: PixabayA needle that is unsuitable for its purpose - a needle that is too thick on a thin fabric, or a fabric that is too thickly stitched with a needle that is too thin - can either damage the machine or leave visible stitching holes on the fabric.You must therefore stick to this fundamental rule: there is a needle size for every fabric.Before going to your favourite haberdashery shop or buying your haberdashery items online, you have to look at the type of needle that suits your machine, and remember that they do not fit all fabrics.The basic functions of a needle are fourfold:Create a passage for the sewing thread in its holder,Bring the thread of the needle in its holder,Make a loop with the hook,Pass the needle thread through the loop.A sewing machine needle consists of 10 elements each of which has its own function:The butt: to fix onto the sewing machine,The shank: thick part of the needle, it can be flat or round,The shoulder: part between the heel and the wing,The blade: part where the thread passes, between the heel and the eye (subject to friction, it heats),The long groove,The short groove,The eye: it is the hole in which the sewing thread passes to be driven down,The scarf,The tip: it allows the penetration of the sewing thread into the fabric,The point.A great article - on the blog Textile Learner - has detailed the anatomy of a sewing needle, and illustrates the importance of choosing a sewing needle for each sewing task.It is ultimately the needle that determines the quality and finish of the garment.Discover also how using the right pattern is crucial to your sewing projects...The Different Types and Sizes of Sewing NeedlesWhether you use a serger, an electronic or mechanical sewing machine, the sewing needles are numbered from 60 to 110: this is the diameter of the needle, in 100th of a millimetre.Remember:The higher the number, the more the needle  is suited for thick fabrics.And vice versa, the lighter the fabric is, the finer the fibres are, and therefore th e more a fine-tipped needle is needed so you don't pierce the fabric.Also learn all about needles and other parts of your sewing machine...My mother's advice: to knit a scarf, you need a Stretch needle and a good wool. Source: Visual HuntIn a haberdashery, the needle packaging will always indicate the type of needle and all the types of fabrics it suits.Your sewing patterns are ready and waiting for you to get sewing.Let's take a look at the types of needles and their different sizes: there are 7 types of sewing machines needles.Universal needle: With a so-called normal tip, it adapts to poplin, satin, natural (like cotton fabric) and synthetic fabrics. It is ideal for sewing shirts, dresses, suits, sheets, coats or making table linen. Aside from size 110, all sizes can be used (60, 70, 80, 90 and 100),Jersey/ballpoint needle: With a round tip, this needle will work well with jersey and lycra. Compatible sizes are 70, 80 and 90,Microtex/sharp needle: A needle with very fine tip, for very fine fabrics. Chiffon, taffeta, linen thread, voile, silk thread and microfibers. Use sizes 60 and 80,Stretch needle: Used for knitting, it has a ball point and is suitable for knitting yarn and curtains. Compatible sizes are 75 and 90,Leather needle: its triangular tip allows sewing thick leather and imitation leather, with sizes of 80, 90 and 100,Jeans and firm fabrics needle: this one has a rather fine and chrome tip. Suitable for seams on thick jeans and overalls, faux fur, gabardine, plastic and oilcloth, corduroy, denim. A thick size works well: 90, 100 and 110,Quilting needle: with a fine point, it is used to stitch fabric with padding. Choose an average size of 75 and 90.What happens, when you're so eager to start sewing, is that you may fail to change out your needles.Once you've got them out of their original packaging, identifying them can be time-consuming or tedious, at best: that's why we recommend that you adopt a colour coding system to identify them easily.Glu ing matching stickers to each type of needle (red for jersey, black for leather, blue for jeans, white for linen, for example), can be an incredible time saver for the messy sewer.Discover more tips to help you learn more from your sewing classes...Choose your Needles According to the ThreadYou also need to think about the sewing thread when picking out the needles for your machine.Why?Because to sew a button, darn an origami dress or a helm a pair of trousers, we will, firstly, not be using the same fabric and the thread will be different as well.Which cotton thread should I choose? Source: Visual HuntGradually you realise that the texture of the fabric impacts the type of thread needed. Thick fabrics such as leather or jeans require strong, sturdy thread and for it to be the same colour obviously.In fact, as the thickness of the fabric determines the thickness of the needle of the Pfaff or Brother sewing machine, the equivalent sewing thread thickness is also required.When using l ight fabrics, a very fine thread to pass through the eye of the needle will help reduce wrinkles.A trick to choosing your thread after buying a pack of needles:The higher the reference number of the thread, the more fine it is. A size 100 needle is therefore much thinner than a size 30.In summary: the bigger the needle, the thicker the sewing thread you need to buy, and vice versa.And what about changing the needle when it's damaged?Find sewing courses London.When and How to Change the NeedleIf the needle that has been used for months - to sew quilting fabric, linen or jersey - is damaged, it may break, bend or make very irregular and disjointed seams.There you go! My sewing needle bent in two because it was on the wrong setting! Source: Visual HuntThe needle should not be blunt or bent.Each new sewing project requires a change of needle.To change from a printed fabric stitch for tapestry to a decorative fabric seam, or to do cross stitch embroidery, the needle needs to be changed.H ow, then, do I change my needle?Remove the needle bar by turning the sewing machine's handwheel (the part used to operate the needle, the clamps and the thread take-up).Lower the presser foot,Take the needle by hand, unscrew the screw of the needle clamp,Remove the needle,Insert the new needle by turning its flat side towards the back of the sewing machine,Insert it until you reach the needle bar and tighten the needle screw.Here's some revision for you.Discover what you could make out of leftover fabric!Which needle for which fabric?Source: also how you can learn to sew yourself some new clothes...

Art Teacher Salaries

Art Teacher Salaries How Much Do Art Teachers Earn? ChaptersHow Much Do Art Teachers Earn in Primary and Secondary Schools?How much Do Art Teachers Earn?How Much Do Experienced Art Teachers Earn?How Much Do Art Teachers Earn Abroad?How Much Do Private Art Teachers Earn?How Much Do Art Teachers Earn in Other Art Classes?“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - William Arthur WardTeaching isn’t always most artists’ first choice of career. After all, with students not paying attention, pressure from parents, and less-than-ideal working conditions, teaching doesn’t necessarily draw a lot of people in. Large numbers of newly qualified teachers are leaving the profession after only a few years.So how much do art teachers earn? CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Much Do Art Teachers Earn in Primary and Secondary Schools?The arts often seem to be under threat but art as a subject remains a staple of primary and secondary education. After that, most people stop studying art. During their time at school, however, students will learn about primary colours, artistic expression, composition, and creativity. Furthermore, they’ll learn to use different materials and about the history of art. The amount an art teacher earns in UK schools depends on a multitude of factors. (Source: ulleo)Art and design is a compulsory subject through to key stage 3 and at least one subject in the arts needs to be offered at key stage 4. This means that once students get to GCSE level, they don’t necessarily have to study anything to do with art.Find out how to become an art teacher.How much Do Art Teachers Earn?Anyone who wants to teach art as a school teacher will probably need to have a bachelor's degree in art and a recognised teaching certification or qualification. Usually, teacher education involves completing a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) and gaining Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Similarly, an education degree is also often accepted.You'll find that many universities in the UK have a department of education or school of education where these programmes are offered. In the PGCE, aspiring teachers will learn about teacher preparation, how to make lesson plans, the basic skills they need for teaching, and all about pedagogy.While this teacher certification includes some teaching experience as part of a placement (usually in a secondary school), your first teacher job will be where you cut your teeth.More importantly, this is when you'll start earning a proper teacher's salary. Teacher jobs are paid differently depending on your qualifications and whether or not you're in London. Similarly, a subject area that's in demand will encourage people to become a teacher by providing funding for the PGCE and better wages when they start working.Generally, around £17k is the starting wage for unqualified teachers and the main pay range for qualified teachers outside of London is £24k. Teachers in London will start by earning between £25k and £30k.Of course, these are just the lower ranges and a teacher salary will vary according to qualifications, experience, etc. The main pay ranges reach up to £35k outside of London and between £37k and £41k f or those in and around the capital.Those working in a private school tend to earn more than those in a state school as there's more money available in private schools. However, the requirements aren't always the same and there are fewer of them.Find out the qualifications art teachers need. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesso n free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Much Do Experienced Art Teachers Earn?The more experience an art teacher gains, the more they can tend to earn. While we mentioned the pay ranges for unqualified and starting salaries for teachers, the upper pay ranges make getting a degree in education or a PGCE sound far more appealing. Art teachers can earn a decent amount under the right circumstances. (Source: Chun-San)Outside of London, teachers can earn between £37k and 40k and those in and around London are on £38k and £49k.Of course, these are the teaching jobs at the upper pay ranges and are reserved for school teachers with experience in the school system and great results.Beyond the upper pay ranges, there are also leading practitioners. These exceptional teachers can earn between £41k and £62k outside of London and between £42k and £70k in London.Find out how to study to become an art teacher.How Much Do Art Teachers Earn Abroad?You don't necessarily have to get a teaching certificate and start your teaching career in the UK. There are also jobs for educators all over the world. You might want to be a teacher somewhere where the weather is nicer, for example. Since art is universal, you can teach it anywhere in the world. (Source: Monfocus)While the certification requirements are different in different countries, the process for becoming a teacher in other countries usually follows a similar system to that in the UK: complete a degree in a particular subject and then become certified as a teacher through teacher training or another qualification.Of course, the world is a big place and we can't put an average on how much art teachers will earn. Check the average wages for teachers in the countries you're interested in. What we can say is that there are countries where teachers are paid more than in the UK and there are countries where they're paid less.Discover the skills that make a good art teacher.How Much Do Private Art Teachers Earn?As a private art tutor, you get to be the boss and decide how you teach art. Similarly, you can choose your rates. Of course, you need to think carefully about how much to charge as you’ll want to earn m oney but also not put off potential students. Art tutors can earn as much as their students are willing to pay. (Source: SPOTSOFLIGHT)You need to think carefully about your outgoings. As a small business owner, you’ll have to think carefully about your outgoings.On Superprof, the average cost of art and design tutors in London is £24 per hour.  Of course, the rates will vary according to where the tutor works, what their experience is, how many lessons they teach per week, and their qualifications, for example.If you’re teaching just a few tutorials a week, you won’t be able to survive if you’re charging pennies for them. You need money to live.How Much Do Art Teachers Earn in Other Art Classes?You can also teach art classes for private companies or in night classes. Art is a popular enough subject that there are many places where you can teach it.  There are night classes for adults offered by local governments as well as private companies offering classes for all ages. Don’t expect an amazing wage, though. The priva te companies are rarely huge and can’t afford to pay their teachers loads of money.  That said, at least your students will want to be there.If you're interested in becoming a private art or drawing tutor, consider signing up to Superprof and creating your profile. You can offer three different types of tutorials: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials. As there are pros and cons to each for both the student and the tutor, you need to think carefully about which combination of them you'll offer before you start.Face-to-face tutorials are just between you and your student. With just one student in the session, every session needs to be tailored to them. Of course, this means that you'll need to prepare a lot outside of the lessons. However, you can reflect this in your rates as you're offering a tailored bespoke service to the student. Face-to-face tutorials are usually the most expensive type of tutorials but they're also the most cost-effective for students so make sure that they're aware of this.Online tutorials are also between you and your student but you won't physically be there in the room with them. Instead, you'll teach them remotely using a computer, webcam, and video conferencing software like Skype. Much like face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials are a tailored service and you'll have to spend time planning each session but you'll save a lot of travel time as you only need to make it to your computer rather than the student's house. With all the time you save by not travelling, you can add even more tutorials into your schedule. With fewer outgoings and increased earning potential, you can charge more competitive rates for your tutorials.Group tutorials involve teaching several students at the same time. Of course, with several students to keep happy, you won't be able to fully tailor the tutorials to each student. However, with several students paying for each hour of your time, you can charge less and still earn more a t the end of each hour. Of course, this only works if your classes are full and the more students you have in your class, the less appealing your tutorials will be. Furthermore, group art tutorials will require a large space so if you don't have a studio or dedicated space available, you may have to look into renting a space for your lessons.

Essay Checker - Virtual Writing Tutor - free ESL grammar checker

Essay Checker - Virtual Writing Tutor - free ESL grammar checker Imagine a website that could help students write better essays with automated feedback. Now imagine the same website but with additional commenting tools to help people record audio comments and rate each others essays using IELTS and TOEFL rubrics and comments. There you have it: an essay checker for the Virtual Writing Tutor. For a score on your essay, you need essay evaluation. Thats what I have been imagining for the past few months, and Raju, my developer, has been building it. Although, in the past, I have strongly recommended using pen pal or narrative writing tasks with beginners and low intermediates before assigning academic essay writing tasks, I am ready to admit that I am happy with our progress. It should help to make peer feedback on this notorious form of display writing easier and more reliable. If you write or teach essays, I think you will like what we have come up with, too. There is a lot to it, so I will take you through the main features of the new essay checker, step-by-step, before explaining the individual tools. Right now, it is only available on the Virtual Writing Tutor Forum, but we will integrate it into the main page of the Virtual Writing Tutor soon. Access the essay checker from the forum. You need to be a member to use the forum, but membership is free and we dont send spam. Once you have logged in, click on Add new topic. Youll be taken to this next page. Forum post form to fill in Notice the Check Essay button. Once you have pasted a text into the text are, click it and you will see a pop-up with a menu of essay checker tools. Leave the default choices selected so that you can see what the system can do. Next, click Submit. The text you enter on the forum will be sent to the essay checker for analysis. Currently, the system can check an essay for the following: Vocabulary profile: the frequency distribution of the vocabulary in your text when compared to 10 000 most common words in English Academic vocabulary profile: the frequency distribution of the vocabulary in your text when compared to the Academic Word ListLexical density: the number of meaning-rich words per 50 wordsCohesion words: a count of transition words and phrases based on their function (addition, contrast, subordination, etc.)Average sentence length: an average of the count of words in each sentenceSentence colorization: sentences are highlighted in different colours depending on their length to help illustrate the amount of sentence variationSentence variance: the standard deviation of mean sentence length Word count: the number of words in your essayParagraph count: the number of paragraphs in your essay Provocative word count: the count of words that produce an emotional response in the readerCliche count: the count of common cliches to avoid in an essayConversational vo cabulary count: the count of words that are common in conversation but uncommon in academic writing Exclamation mark count: the count of exclamation marks in your essayGrammar check: the number of errors detected by the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checkerError profile: the distribution of detected errors by error categoriesArgument strength: a sentiment analysis of paragraphs and sentences to check for how strongly negative or positive your argument isIELTS rubric: a method for calculating an IELTS band score using descriptors based on the IELTS writing task 2 rubricTOEFL rubric: a method for calculating a TOEFL score using descriptors from the TOEFL independent writing rubric5-paragraph hamburger essay comments: a method of providing explicit feedback on the 5-paragraph essay, also known as the hamburger essayAudio comment recorder: an online voice recorder for recording and uploading voice of the reader commentsDownload to DOCX: feedback and comments are converted to MS Word doc x file that you can editPrint to PDF: print the feedback on your printer or generate a PDF Essay Checker Results Review the essay checker results before clicking the Comments and Rubrics button. The feedback popup colorizes sentences based on their length. In the screenshot below, you can see an example of a paragraph made up of sentences of different lengths. The graphs at the top show the length and variability. Below them are the colorized sentences. Average sentence length, sentence variability, and sentence colorization Comments You can record your spoken comments to MP3 format using this online voice recorder. It is great for simply reading the essay aloud to show the author where you stumble, and it makes recording and uploading voice of the reader comments easy. You can speak for about 5 minutes. You can even switch tabs and talk about why you selected the descriptors you chose for the IELTS and TOEFL rubrics. When you click Save, your browser converts your recording to MP3 format, and the system uploads the MP3 file to the Virtual Writing Tutor server for you. The system then stores the URL of the recording in memory and inserts a link into your Word document or PDF. Essay checker commenting system for teachers and peers to give feedback on an essay You can review and delete recordings and start again if you like. IELTS Rubric in the Essay Checker You can choose from 9 descriptors for each aspect of the essay. To reduce the space on the screen, you can minimize each rubric section to show only the descriptor you chose. After you have chosen descriptors, the system calculates a score for you. TOEFL Rubric in the Essay Checker You can choose from 5 descriptors to evaluate the essay. To reduce the space on the screen, you can minimize the choices to show only the descriptor you chose. The system will display the associated score in the DOCX of PDF file. Print to PDF Your browser allows you to print your feedback to a number of devices, including PDF. The great thing about PDFs is that you can store them on your computer, edit them with MS Word, and send them as attachments to students. Chrome will generate a preview of the PDF for you. Notice that the feedback is plain text, for readability. DOCX You can download all of the automatically generated feedback and your comments to an MS Word document. This makes editing the feedback very easy. It is much quicker than converting a PDF to DOCX format. We hope users find it useful. Be sure to enable editing. The download is safe, despite the warning. This is just Microsofts way of scaring everybody and calling it security. I trust this gives you a clear overview of what the Essay Checker can do. We will be adding it to the main page of the Virtual Writing Tutor soon. We would do it sooner, but we want to upgrade the main page first. We expect the system to be much faster once the upgrades are done. Please follow and like us: